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The Great Ticketmaster Conspiracy

April 12, 2008

As predicted, I had no luck trying to buy Radiohead tickets via Ticketmaster at 10am this morning. The site had nothing available at all even right at 10am on the nose.

I'm not normally given to venting conspiracy theories, but I can't help thinking that there's some kind of underhand business at work in the box office world for these kind of events. I mean, people were auctioning tickets on eBay for the concert at 9.45am and a few other ticket sites were hawking seats right in the back for $500 apiece.

I'm beginning to doubt whether it's actually possible to buy a ticket at a standard price through the conventional channels at all.

Ah well, I guess I'll have to live vicariously through the write-ups that the concert gets or think about crashing the event somehow (which will be tantamount in terms of impossiblity to breaking into the White House I suppose.) Nothing, however, will induce me to fork out $500 for a ticket to see the band. I'm a fan, but I'm not that much of a fan. And I don't have a trust fund.


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