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The Henge & This Blog

March 28, 2008

Two things today:

1) A brewer by the name of Ross Smith is building a replica of Stonehenge on his property at Margaret River in Western Australia.
2) This blog is going national: As of Monday, I'll be posting here and at, the international arts and culture digest. Founded in 1999 and one of the most widely-read culture sites on the Web, ArtsJournal provides is a daily summary, with links to the complete articles from print publications or Internet magazines, of a wide array of arts and culture articles from the worldwide English-language press. ArtsJournal also hosts around 12 blogs by commentators in the field. I'll be joining an esteemed group of journalists including John Rockwell, former arts writer and editor of The New York Times and Terry Teachout, theatre critic of the Wall Street Journal. Exciting news indeed.


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