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The A To Z Of Avenue Q

August 9, 2007

The Muppet-inspired Broadway musical, Avenue Q, has opened in San Francisco. The producers suggest that patrons leave their kids at home for Avenue Q is R-rated stuff. But should your little ones ask what you thought of the show the next morning over breakfast, here's what you can tell them:

A is for Annoying puppets
B is for Better experienced high
C is for Cookie Monster reincarnated as a porn king
D is for Daring to make kindergarteners cry

E is for Entertainment that's fashionably off-beat
F is for Forget Fozzie Bear
G is for Gary Coleman eat your heart out
H is for Hair, fur and more hair

I is for Imagine a world in which marionettes and humans co-habit
J is for Jim Henson avert your eyes
K is for Kill those squeaky, fluffy bastards
L is for Laughing, schadenfreudlike, as you listen to their demented little cries

M is for Monsters are great in bed
N is for Necking on a hot puppet date
O is for Opening up the closet
P is for Pretending to be straight

Q is for Q the Avenue
R is for Raunchy, pseudo-risque humor
S is for Sticking your arm up a puppet's behind
T is for Tickling the tumor

U is for Unilateral disarmament
V is for Vogueishly abstract
W is for Wanting my money back
X is for eXit swiftly out back

Y is for Yapping a song like a pneumatic poodle
Z is for Zoo-full of critters
I think it's time to conclude this short rhyme
Cos those critters sure give me the jitters.


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