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Pretty In Pink

February 7, 2007

Candyfloss-colored kitten heels and fuchsia-pink fluffy sweaters emboldened San Francisco's Tenderloin district yesterday evening as fans of Legally Blonde turned up to see the world premiere opening of the musical adaptation of the 2001 film starring Reese Witherspoon. Legally Blonde heroine Elle Woods' "signature color" momentarily transformed the normally seedy and downtrodden neighborhood into something full of anticipation. But I let the side down: There wasn't a slither of pink on me.

I love the atmosphere of expectation on opening nights. You can pretty much judge a production's reception by sensing the difference between how the theatre lobby feels when you walk into it at 7.45 and how it feels when you walk out at 10.30. Last night, the lobby buzzed as much after the curtain as it did before. People genuinely seemed to enjoy the show.

It's about time The Shorenstein Hays Organization opened with a bang in San Francisco. Recent world premieres, like Lestat and Lennon the Musical, were embarrassments. Legally Blonde is kind of embarrassing too, but in a good way. I predict it will do well.



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